About Us
Splat Graphics is an Australian Company established in 1997 dedicated to delivering efficient, user-friendly web sites designed to suit your needs.
We can quote you a fixed price for your web services or you can work with us on an hourly basis depending on what your needs are.
Splat Graphics specialises in
Web site design
Content Management Systems such as Joomla & Wordpress
Website Builds for all devices.
Training and Support

Web Site Design
let us guide you through the web jargon and get your company on the web
Joomla & Wordpress CMS
With the CMS system you will be able to edit your content and administer your web site from within your browser.
Splat Graphics will continue to work with you to ensure the site is always up to date and assist with enabling you to maintain your own site and support you if you make any mistakes.
Website Builds for all devices.
In business today, a web presence is essential and accessible from all devices like mobile phones, ipads and tablets.